Heart-led freedom in parenting means pausing to check in with your body and inner wisdom to know what next step will help you feel free and at peace. Using this tool of an inward-looking pause will help you in all arenas of your life – personal, parenting, and beyond.

What do I really need or want right now?

Heart-led freedom means asking yourself, “What do I really need or want right now?” and trusting your heart’s answer to guide your communication. This check-in will help you make decisions that are aligned with your inner wisdom. You will communicate more clearly and feel better about how you spend your time.

This doesn’t mean that we suddenly abandon our responsibilities to go lead a life of complete freedom.

Instead, it might mean choosing not to go to a night-time meeting in order to spend time with your kids. Or that you stay out of trying to solve someone else’s problem. If you have older kids, perhaps your teen has shared a hard situation with you. Heart-led freedom means trusting the other person to figure out what’s best for them. You can ask questions to help them think, and maintain your own serenity while offering support. This is sometimes easier said than done, but it gets more comfortable with practice.

Speak your truth

With young children, heart-led freedom might lead you to get down on your child’s level and speak openly and directly to them, telling them how you feel, what you need, and asking them for some specific help. (Example, while kneeling down: “Honey, I feel tired and alone making dinner. I need some help. Would you be willing to set the table and put out napkins / put away your toys?”) 

Spoken calmly and with love, this type of honesty can create a sense of kind mutual respect between you and your child. It feels good to be helpful when someone asks you to help them instead of telling you to do something.

Asking oneself, “What does heart-led freedom look like today?” can apply to decisions about things as small as what you want to wear that day to bigger decisions, like how to help loved ones facing health challenges or what your children will do this summer.

I recommend closing your eyes, taking a deep breath, and asking yourself what your heart needs. 

What does heart-led freedom mean to YOU? 

Try this question on to see what comes up for you. Perhaps some guiding words will come to mind, like “Take a nap,” or “Let go” or “Connect.”  Or maybe you’ll receive a creative idea to solve a problem, whether it be putting on some music to change the mood of your family or the energy to give a cranky child a hug instead of repeating a directive again.

To use this question in our parenting means accepting the moment as it is and asking oneself what one needs. While we might not be able to satisfy our needs in that moment, at least we are in tune with what we need so that we are more able to get that need met in the near future.

We might need to ask for help, change a plan, or shift our expectations in order to take care of ourselves.

If you are struggling to get what you need, schedule a Complimentary Clarity Call with me or bring that question to your next parent coaching call with me. You might also talk with a friend who helps you think “outside the box” to explore new possibilities.

Consider sharing your challenge with your kids (depending on what it is) and seeing if they have some good ideas for you. Our kids are often quite wise! You’ll also be modeling how to ask for help.

Additional Reflections on Heart-Led Freedom 

I recently led an interfaith women’s group on the topic of “heart-led freedom and spaciousness,” and thought you might enjoy some of the ideas from that discussion, too.

Here are some of the gems from that conversation for you: 


recorded a guided meditation to help people tap into feelings of joy and freedom – past, present and future – through a cool “time-travel” experience that gives you images, feelings, and words of wisdom to use in your current life.

Give some love to yourself. I highly recommend taking 20 minutes to listen, relax, and visit wonderful memories you haven’t thought of in years. I’m still enjoying some of the memories that came up for me as I led the meditation. Note – I recorded this when speaking to women, but if you’re a dad or non-binary parent, just substitute your pronouns in where appropriate. 

Listen to the meditation HEREYou might want to have a journal or some Post-Its near by to write down some of the sparks of wisdom you’ll receive.  The first four minutes help you relax your body and the rest of the meditation takes you on a wonderful journey through time. You’ll walk away with a deeper, more loving connection to your inner self and wise guidance to use in your current life.

If you like this meditation and/or want to learn more about this process, check out this page and consider booking an Inner Counselor Process™meditation with me.


How can we experience freedom even in the midst of frustrating moments when we might at first feel we have no choice? How does knowing that we have choice over our responses free up new possibilities?

What would love and compassion towards yourself and others look like in a hard moment?

How does being present to whatever is happening in that moment help us to tap into a sense of freedom and spaciousness?


“It’s a transformative experience to simply pause instead of immediately fill up the space.” Pema Chödron

“When you say “yes” to the “isness” of life, when you accept this moment as it is, you can feel a sense of spaciousness within you that is deeply peaceful.” Eckhart Tolle

“Relaxing into not knowing is almost like surrendering into a big, comfortable chair; you just fall into a field of possibility.” Adyashanti 

“Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves.”  Friedrich Nietzsche 

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” Viktor Emil Frankl


May you experience heart-led freedom and wonderful connection with your family, friends, and people in your wider community.

Until next time,


Want more inspiration?

Check out my other blogs. 

Here’s a link to the Heart-led Freedom meditation. Like that one? Check out other meditations on Sound Cloud.

Who I serve:
I coach parents from coast to coast in the US and internationally.  Thanks to Zoom, I am currently coaching parents from Boston to Seattle, Connecticut to California, as well as New York, Ohio, and Colorado. I’ve worked with parents in Bermuda, Japan, Portugal, and Canada as well. I’m grateful for these global and domestic connections!