Parent Coach and Educator

~ Strategies for Soulful Parents ~

Tired of sibling squabbles,
one-word answers,
well-worn arguments,
or silence?

Want to connect more deeply with your kids?

Conversation Jumpstarts

Grab these Conversation Jumpstarts to help you:

  • Shift the energy in your current dynamic
  • Reconnect with the parts of your kids that you love
  • Develop creative ways to know more about your child’s inner world
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Is this you?Conversation Jumpstarts - mother and children

Marooned at home with your children…

afflicted with the ‘COVID Blues’…

balancing work, play, and school under ever-changing social distancing regulations?

Now is the time to focus on the present and …

• connect with each other in new ways
• share what’s most important
• appreciate little moments of joy, sadness, and wonder from our days.

Knowing more about each other helps us work together and support each other. Mutual understanding increases cooperation.

That’s why I created these Conversation Jumpstart Cards to help you connect with your kids, family members and friends in meaningful ways.

With thoughtful questions, you can transform moments of frustration into moments of connection with ease.

Family conversations
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“After using your Conversation Jumpstarts at dinner, our kids are feeling that family closeness and sense of connection and they want to do this more. Now they are asking for more family time together, too!”
— Skyler and Aditya Joshi, parents of 3 children ages 5-12 Boston, MA


Amy Behrens - Parent Coach

Hi! I’m Amy Behrens.

I’m owner and founder of Amy Behrens Coaching. I serve parents, teachers, kids, and families who want to learn, grow and thrive. Before I became a parent coach, I taught elementary and middle school in the U.S. and abroad and had three children of my own.

Since my children were little, I’ve been running groups for adults, families and children to bring people together to have meaningful experiences and conversations that foster connection, insight, empathy, creativity and happiness.

Conversation Jumpstarts - download

I hope these Conversation Jumpstart Cards will help you create fun and interesting ways of connecting with both family and friends.

Have some parenting questions? Schedule a Clarity Call with me and let’s talk.


Copyright 2022 Amy Behrens Coaching, LLC | All Rights Reserved